It’s okay to be white… right?

Apparently not, according to the BBC

Ernest Samuels
3 min readNov 22, 2021
This is terrifying, eh?

Here in England, the Basingstoke police are investigating a most heinous “hate incident”: the distribution of black-on-white stickers that read, “It’s okay to be white.”

The BBC broke the story — and not for the first time. Over the past few years they have covered a number of similar incidents — if they can even be called that — from around the country and abroad, each time quoting the admonishing remarks of locals and officials who regard the stickers as “sickening and disgusting” and a sign of “white supremacy”. Some have called for action, saying, “We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material,” while another tender soul confessed, “I am certainly worried now for my daughters who are not white… It’s sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this.”

Wikipedia calls this an “alt-right slogan based on an organised trolling campaign on the website 4chan...” Unfortunately (and conveniently), Wikipedia misses the point of the campaign entirely, which was to expose people’s hypocrisy by demonstrating the way some people see racism in things that are not racist at all.

So why is such an innocuous, common sense, matter-of-fact statement perceived, by some, as pernicious? What if, instead of “white” it said “black”?

Would it be a “dogwhistle” to black supremacy movements if it read “It’s okay to be black?” Of course not! On the contrary, such a statement, so long as it addressed the “right” skin-tone, would be lauded and damn near deified by corporations; governments all over the Western world would unlawfully spend your tax money to print the words on public streets and buildings (as in the case of “BlackLivesMatter”).

Obviously, as any person with half a brain can see, this is not a negative statement — it’s not an incitement for violence, it’s not making any claims of racial superiority, it’s not deriding any other skin colours. But some will still claim, as they did in Bristol University Campus, that it’s a “well-established white supremacist technique to whip up false outrage and hatred.”

Ironically, the only people displaying “outrage and hatred” seem to be the very same weirdos who oppose the black-on-white statement of fact, which displays their own hypocrisy on the matter of racial dynamics in our culture — just as the 4chan villains predicted.


Of course the overpaid propagandists at the BBC froth at the mouth over this non-issue of stickers on lampposts. However, the real concern here is why the taxpayer-funded BBC considers it acceptable to be explicitly racist against white people?

In February of 2021, white BBC reporters claimed that skiing is racist, because the skiing resorts across Europe are full of white people.

In another case back in June, the BBC became embroiled in a discrimination row after excluding white people from applying for a £17,810 trainee researcher position, “only open to black, Asian, and ethnically diverse candidates”.

Turn the clock back even further to 2018, when Cassian Harrison, the editor of BBC Four, told the Edinburgh International Television Festival: “There’s a mode of programming that involves a presenter, usually white, middle-aged and male, standing on a hill and telling you like it is. We all recognise the era of that has passed.”

These are just a few cases which exemplify that the BBC is opposed to values of meritocracy and true diversity. Hiring based on skin colour or gender, rather than skill and experience, is not diversity. It is lunacy! Real diversity is the diversity of opinion. To have a preference, in the professional setting, for one tone of skin over another is simple racism, no matter how you twist it.

It’s not okay to be white, then, and now we know why the BBC thinks so. It’s because they are racists, as is any individual who becomes outraged at the sight of these stickers.

Defund the BBC!



Ernest Samuels

I read my tombstone in a dream: Deep speaker, a bookkeeper, the eternal weaver of dreams, father of nightmares 🌟