Ernest Samuels
5 min readJul 22, 2022


Abortion doesn't negate a childs right to live.

Are you sure about that? Last I checked, abortions were pretty deadly to the children who're being deleted from wombs.

I mean we all understand that pregnancy is not easy, but I don't know why you're phrasing it as if it's some kind of disease or illness. To be honest, your disdainful attitude towards the unborn is just sickening.

In any other situation where the body integrity of one person is considered against other person's life, body integrity triumps. I gave you examples with blood, marrow and organs donation.

Unless it's Covid-19, right?

Then all this stuff about body autonomy, all this My-Body-My-Choice gets thrown out the window, and it's all "Get your jabs, get your jabs, you're killing grandma!"

Anyway, I can cite my country, England, as an example of a country where all adults are considered as having agreed to donate their own organs upon death, unless they bother to opt out, or are in one of the exclusionary groups.

Now I'll address each of your 4 equally asinine points about what it would take for my argument to make sense:

1. Ignore how pregnancy affects directly a woman's body.

No, we should never ignore the fact that childbearing is a real challenge and that women deserve all the support we can give them on that front.

2. Ignore all the other situations where a children's life requires that other people is denied their body integrity.

You're once again comparing apples and oranges. A child in need of a blood transfusion is not the same as a mother who engaged in sex and got knocked up.

Stop trying to pigeonhole my argument, for I see no contradiction between the fact that the unborn child has human rights that must be protected and the fact that it's wrong forcibly strap people down and drain them of their blood.

3. Adoption won't magically erase the 9 months of pregnancy and lasting physical consequences.

First of all, abortion at 9 months? Really? Ugh, why am I not surprised you'd have no problem giving that as an example...

Anyway, you've already stated that pregnancy is no walk in the park. Everyone knows this! Thankfully, modern medicine and hygienic standards have come a long way, and so maternal death and other complications are much rarer than they were a century ago.

Once again, I'm all for helping the ladies out with the process of childbearing, as are most people. Boy, if only those damn pro-abortion activists would stop firebombing all those pro-life pregnancy centres!

4. The phoetus is not independent.

No shit, Sherlock... :/

Four months is certainly too early. At five months, however, the baby is considered "viable", though it would require a lot of medical care and would face the risk of permanent dissability.

By no means ideal, but better than death.

And so we continue...

The definition of voluntary and involuntary applies to pregnancy too.

We're just going around in circles here. I've already said in my earlier comment that pregnancy is, most often, preceded by the voluntary, consensual, and informed act of sex.

Women and men understand that the act of sex carries certain risks: unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Contraception never promised 100% security, as we are all aware, but people knowingly take that risk.

rape exist

Does it now?

I already include that as one of the exceptions, along with incest and cases that threaten the mother's life.

And I'm all for contraception. So what exactly is the fallacy, since I never stated that sex is for procreation only?

The idea of "tacitly accepting" that you want to apply, is only applied to force a pregnacy and deny body integrity,

Ah, more of your pigeonhole crap. Great!

Tacit acceptance is the knowledge that our actions have consequences. If you're in England, and you haven't opted out of being an organ donor, and you get into a car for a cruise, you are tacitly accepting that should you die on the road, your organs can be used to save someone else's life.

When it comes to sex, the logic is simple: Dick + pussy = maybe baby...

And what can you do? That's nature. Be careful. Don't be a slut; don't be all "I'm a playa-playa-pussy-slayer" and then wind up a deadbeat fuckin' dad.

Take some motherfucking responsibility for your actions!

Your point could be resumed in "I don't consider a woman has a right over her own body if she gets pregnant because I think someone different that the woman should be able to use her body to develop"

Phrase it however you want. Once the woman is with child - itself an extension of her own flesh - the woman partially sacrifces a piece of her bodily autonomy.

I didn't design her; take it up with God.

Besides, considering that USA doesn't even provide free healthcare to pregnant people

Yeah, well, there's another risk for you of getting pregnant in the USA. Be careful. Be responsible.

Also, dude, "pregnant people"? Really? Do you mean women?! Hard to take you seriously when you're clowning on yourself like this!! :D

Fuuuuuuck, almost there...

you only want to punish women who have sex for pleasure and fun

Oh yeah, you got me! That's what it's all about! Great job!


So stupid...

Your problem is not about murder, is about your idea that women't should have a right to use their body autonomy to have sex for pleasure and fun without being punished with an unwanted pregnancy.

Ah, the good ol' days when pregnancy was considered a blessing and not some kind of abominable curse.

My problem is with people like you who want a life of meaningless pursuit of pleasure without realising that all things in life come with a price tag. I see no reason why an innocent life - a fruit of pure potential - should have to pay that price, rather than adults who can exercise a bit more caution and stop being selfish.

The fact is that sex is akin to fire: play with fire and you're gonna get burnt. Contain the fire within a fireplace and it will keep you warm for years to come.

I say it respectfully, many of your premises are false. It is obvious that it is about body autonomy.

Right back at you: many of your premises are false.

You are desperate to pigeonhole my opinions and express utter disregard for the value of an unborn human entity - all in exchange for "pleasure and fun", which is really nothing more than some cheap thrills.

Have fun riding that dopamine wave all the way to Extinctionville.

"if someone were to take away your body autonomy to save a children's life", how would you feel?

Um, where do I sign up?

I have no problem sacrificing my own life to save the life of a child.

You clearly need a moment to deliberate the matter.

Again, not surprised.



Ernest Samuels
Ernest Samuels

Written by Ernest Samuels

I read my tombstone in a dream: Deep speaker, a bookkeeper, the eternal weaver of dreams, father of nightmares 🌟

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